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Avea Galactomyces 岩壁护发素

Basic Information
销售价格 $22.84 17.21
积分 0.10元 (0.50%)
商品编码 P0000LZG
配送费 海外配送
商品简要说明 *Clears and improves darkened or mottled skin tones.
*Blocks moisture evaporation with leavening ingredients that penetrate deep into the pores.
*Removes grease and oil to clear and smooth skin.
*Removes waste such as dead skin cells or sebum and cares for pores.
*Filtered ingredients balance moisture and firm sagging skin.
*Soaks deep into the skin to cultivate it and remove dead skin cells.
*Cases in which exchange or return is possible - Within 7 days of receiving the product However, return or exchange is not possible if the product packaging has been opened or damaged and the product's value has decreased. - Within 3 months of the date received if the product functions differently than advertised or if information in displays or advertisements is incorrect. Within 30 days of realizing this Cases in which exchange or return is not possible - If the product has been destroyed or damaged due to some action on the part of the customer. Cases in which the product packaging has been damaged in order to check product information are excluded - Cases in which the product packaging has been opened or damaged and the product's value has decreased (Examples: Returns or exchanges for defective products including household goods, food, albums, notebooks with attached LCD displays, LCD monitors, digital cameras, etc. depend on the manufacturer's regulations.) - Cases in which the product's value has significantly decreased due to use or consumption by the customer, e.g. cosmetics or products provided for testing purposes. - Cases in which the product's value has significantly decreased and resale will be difficult as too much time has elapsed - Cases in which the packaging of reproducible products has been damaged (Please consult our customer satisfaction center by email for 1:1 counseling for detailed information.) * If return or exchange is due to a change of heart on the part of the customer, the customer must pay the cost of transportation in returning the product. (including exchanging colors, sizes, etc.)
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快捷方式 收藏店铺

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Name Quantity Price
Avea Galactomyces 岩壁护发素 up down 22.84(  0.1)
Total(Quantity) : 0 (0 item)

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*Clears and improves darkened or mottled skin tones.
*Blocks moisture evaporation with leavening ingredients that penetrate deep into the pores.
*Removes grease and oil to clear and smooth skin.
*Removes waste such as dead skin cells or sebum and cares for pores.
*Filtered ingredients balance moisture and firm sagging skin.
*Soaks deep into the skin to cultivate it and remove dead skin cells.
*Cases in which exchange or return is possible - Within 7 days of receiving the product However, return or exchange is not possible if the product packaging has been opened or damaged and the product's value has decreased. - Within 3 months of the date received if the product functions differently than advertised or if information in displays or advertisements is incorrect. Within 30 days of realizing this Cases in which exchange or return is not possible - If the product has been destroyed or damaged due to some action on the part of the customer. Cases in which the product packaging has been damaged in order to check product information are excluded - Cases in which the product packaging has been opened or damaged and the product's value has decreased (Examples: Returns or exchanges for defective products including household goods, food, albums, notebooks with attached LCD displays, LCD monitors, digital cameras, etc. depend on the manufacturer's regulations.) - Cases in which the product's value has significantly decreased due to use or consumption by the customer, e.g. cosmetics or products provided for testing purposes. - Cases in which the product's value has significantly decreased and resale will be difficult as too much time has elapsed - Cases in which the packaging of reproducible products has been damaged (Please consult our customer satisfaction center by email for 1:1 counseling for detailed information.) * If return or exchange is due to a change of heart on the part of the customer, the customer must pay the cost of transportation in returning the product. (including exchanging colors, sizes, etc.)

改善黑黑的、暗色的皮肤颜色。 预防水分蒸发, 酵母成分很快吸收到毛孔里。 去除闪光的油分可以使皮肤透明、光滑。 去除角质和皮脂等皮肤杂质, 有助于毛孔的管理。 发酵过滤物保持油水分的平衡,下垂的皮肤靓丽。 渗透到皮肤深处, 改善皮肤的条纹, 去除角质。 可以交换及退货的情况 - 接受供应产品之后7天之内 只是已经打开包装或者毁损包装其商品的价值消失而不能交换/退货。 -接到供应产品及表示劳务内容的广告内容不同或者履行的内容不同时 从接到供应之日起3天之内 了解其事实30天之内 不可以交换及退货的情况 -因顾客的责任等事由商品等灭失或者毁损时,只是为了药确认商品的内容毁损包装等情况除外 -打开包装或者因包装毁损其商品的价值消失的情况(如:家电、食品、唱片等,只是因液晶屏电脑、LC荧屏、数码相机等不良像素的交换及退货是根据生产厂家的标准。) -因顾客使用或者部分消费商品的价值明显减少的情况,只是化妆品等情况提供试用商品的情况除外。 -商品因为过一段时间, 所以很难再销售等价值明显减少的情况。



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  • 配送及关税

    因拒绝支付关税而被反送回韩国的商品一律不再发送,期间所产生的一切费用    (含国际往返运费及韩国通关费、关税)由买家自行承担。顾客可对扣除费用( 含国际往返运费及韩国通关费、关税)后的剩余金额申请退款。

Returns and Exchanges


请顾客在购买商品之前确认好商品的颜色、尺码、购买数量等信息。客户购买的商品即代表同意了该退款政策。  符合退款条件的商品,可在收到商品3日之内,留言至换货/退款栏申请退款。 退款过程中所发生的运费由韩国总公司承担,我们将尽快处理。
退款申请条件 ①  可以退款的情况
 - 支付完成后48小时之内的订单。仅在订单状态为 “配送准备”的时候,可取消
 - 付款成功起7天内,卖家无任何通知,商品状态仍处于“商品准备中”时,可通过换货/退款栏申请取消该商品的订单。 请签收    除此商品外的其余商品后,使用换货/退款栏申请该商品的退款
 - 订购产品断货时;
 - 配送有误时;
 - 瑕疵品时
 * 即便配送有误,收到不良品等情况,如发现商品标签或价格表有损坏,或商品留有穿戴痕迹时一概不支持退款
 * 由Kmall24赠送的促销活动感恩品,必须原封不动与商品一起退货,方可退款。
② 如下情况不可成为退款的理由
 - 因顾客一方改变心意所提出的退款(颜色,尺寸等等)
 - 由个别商品的断货要求整个订单退款
 - 配饰类(鞋子,包,饰品)商品: 因产品特殊,禁止取消订单以及调换商品
 - 由客户自身引起商品破损或变形的情况下
申请退款步骤 ①  断货
② 配送错误及收到不良品时,
 用相机拍下该商品整体图片以及瑕疵部分图片后,在换货/退款栏填写以下内容申请退款. 待韩国本社确认后,与买家联系
 申请内容:订单号, 配送错误或不良商品编号,退款申请理由(配送错误或不良商品)
③ 收到的商品当中,部分商品有遗漏时
   * 依上述程序进行退款申请时,官网方可受理。敬请熟知上述内容,给予使用。

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